Just Me, Kait
I’ve been here a while and never introduced myself. This is me, introducing myself.
I’ve decided to write a short intro essay because I’ve seen other Medium writers do it, and I really didn’t have anything else to write about anyway. Where to start…
I have 5 parrots, and Yes! They all talk. My house sounds like being at the mall (remember malls?). So many voices talking and yelling all the time. One of my birds is very fond of talking to my dog. “Seeger, good boy!” or “Seeger, qui-et!” This confuses Seeger quite a bit, since this particular bird sounds a lot like me. Anyway, I love animals. I’ve been vegan for something like 30 years. And no, I don’t eat fish or honey or eggs or anything else that has any connection to an animal. I still don’t understand why people don’t get that. Oh well…
I’ve written all my life, but I’m old, so back in the day there was the traditional publishing path or a diary. I’ve had some success publishing short and flash fiction, personal essays, and some journalism, and I guess that’s still my preferred way to get my work out there. But I’ve learned to love Medium and Substack (moving toward Substack these days) because of the freedom they offer.
I have 3 masters degrees and a doctorate. Not to mention a bunch of credentials and certifications. This is not bragging. This is me telling you “Don’t waste your time.” The only piece of paper that matters to me is my MFA. That was a blast. I loved every minute of it. I’d sell the rest for a pack of cigarettes, and I quit smoking 40 years ago. Follow your heart. That’s my advice.
So, I guess that’s it. There’s so much more, and yet I’m pretty sure my life is not of much interest to anyone. I’m just a regular person who loves writing and animals and the ocean and a whole lot of other things that pretty much everyone else loves too.
Still, I’m happy to be here with you all. I love reading your work, and I’m grateful to you for reading mine.
I’d be really happy if you’d leave a comment and follow me. I’ll be sure to take a look at your work too. If you’re into astrology, I write (free) on Substack at PiscesMoon.
Best, Kait (And Seeger!)